Acupuncture is an ancient practice that comes from China. It’s been used for over 3000 years and is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). People use it to promote healing, reduce pain, boost fertility, Today, it’s popular all over the world, so much so that over 2.8 billion people have seen a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor. But, what is acupuncture exactly?

**Note: Acupuncture is a needle based invasive practice that includes insertion of the needle into the skin. Acupressure which is what we practice at Under Pressure is non-invasive and doesn’t use needles. Instead we use small gold-plated stainless steel balls that press on the outside of the skin without puncturing it, using a small amount of clear medical tape. Which is why we say - Acupressure is acupuncture without the needles!

Understanding Acupuncture
Acupuncture involves inserting very thin needles into specific points on the body. These points are called acupuncture points. They are found on meridians, which are lines of energy that flow through the body.

Purpose of Acupuncture
What is the purpose of acupuncture? It’s used to balance energy also called “Qi” (pronounced “chee”). Qi flows through meridians and when Qi is balanced, the body is healthy. When it’s blocked, there can be illness and acupuncture unblocks Qi, which promotes healing and. improves overall well-being. So what does this really mean in terms of how acupuncture / acupressure beads (also known as ear seeds or acupressure ear seeds) can help you?

Acupuncture and Modern Medicine
Modern medicine is interested in the science behind acupuncture and acupressure. Over 160,000 studies in the NIH (National Institute of Health) database explore its benefits of acupuncture, acupressure and Traditional Chinese Medicine. The research supports its effectiveness in being able to treat various conditions which include chronic pain, anxiety, and insomnia (sleep issues), to stimulate arousal, boost fertility, and for weight loss. Some have even used it to quit smoking!

So…. How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture stimulates the body and affects nerves, muscles, and connective tissue. It increases blood flow and triggers the body’s natural painkillers. These are called endorphins. Through this, acupuncture reduces inflammation and improves bodily functions.

Acupuncture Points
There are hundreds of acupuncture/ acupressure points (also know as acupoints) on 14 main meridians. Each point has a specific purpose and relates to different organs. For example, some points affect the liver, while others affect the lungs. Choosing the right points is crucial to ensures effective treatment.

The Acupuncture Procedure
An acupuncture session is simple, the acupuncturist inserts sterile needles (used one time only). The needles stay in for 15 to 30 minutes. Most people find it relaxing, some even fall asleep during the session.

Safety and Side Effects
Is acupuncture safe? Yes, when done by a licensed acupuncturist. Side effects are rare. Some might have soreness, bleeding, or bruising. These are temporary. They go away on their own.

Benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture has many benefits, it relieves pain, reduces stress, improves sleep, increases libido, decreases pain, aids in recovery from injury, enhances mental clarity, helps the immune system, increases energy levels, boosts fertility, can help with digestive issues and much more.

Conditions Treated by Acupuncture
Acupuncture treats various conditions. These include migraines, tension headaches, and back pain. It’s used for osteoarthritis, menstrual cramps, and allergies. It’s effective for depression, anxiety, and insomnia. It can help with nausea and vomiting.

How to Find an Acupuncturist Near Me
Finding an acupuncturist is important if you choose to go the acupuncture route. Look for licensed professionals, check their credentials, read reviews, ask for recommendations. If you are looking to take your health more into your own hands check out Under Pressure’s acupressure protocols.

Insurance and Acupuncture
Does insurance cover acupuncture? Sometimes insurance plans do. Check with your provider. It depends on the insurance company.

So you have been thinking about trying or re-trying acupuncture, but maybe time, finances, or lack of accessibility to quality practitioners in your area are stopping you? Trying one of Under Pressures Acupressure protocols. You can apply them to yourself from the comfort of your own home using our How-To-Guide that comes with each kit, for 1/10th of the cost of seeing an
acupuncturist 4x a month!